Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Shannon's Birthday

Today is Shannon’s birthday (Shannon is daughter number 6). We went out to dinner with Shannon & Noah and his parents tonight. Ethan was the center of attention most of the time. He loved tearing the wrapping paper off of Shannon’s gifts.

I spent today getting a few last-minute things done. I slipped over to HyVee to check on their supply of caffine-free coke, and they had some! The price this week was very good (3 12-packs for $10) so I got some for John for while I’m gone. I’m sure he will need more, so I hope it will be on sale somewhere this week, too—the new grocery ads come out tomorrow morning.

Countdown: 5 days to go! Or should I say 4? It depends on if I count Sunday as a “day,” too…

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