Thursday, December 17, 2009

Countdown: 4 days left

I didn’t get a chance to write anything yesterday…These last few days home are so busy! Yesterday was my last day at Cabela’s (until April 1 when I return to Nebraska). I had to miss Mariah’s birthday party since I was working last night….but John went so at least one of us got to go wish her Happy Birthday.

Today I am having lunch with an old friend. Today Sharona comes to town, too! She and Breckin will be here for three days, so once again, it looks like life will be busy!

I looked at the California weather for today—it is supposed to get up to 71º there on the coast. Today’s high here in Nebraska is set at 35º but it’s only 26º so far this morning….and for the rest of the week in the mid-20º range. That’s OK, just so long as the snow holds off!

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