Monday, December 14, 2009

Countdown to California--Leaving in 6 days!

It is 11 am here in Nebraska and only 4º outside (with a wind chill index of -15!). But, the sun is out and it is supposed to get up to 7º! I just looked at the weather on the California coast—it is 48º and of course it’s 2 hours earlier….I think the weather will improve as the week goes on, but I still have to get through today!

I have a separate room with all my boxes and things I want to take to California. I hope it all fits into my van…or what if I have more room than stuff? I don’t think that will be a problem—I can always find more that I want to take.

Since most of my stuff is packed and ready to go, this week I’ll concentrate on getting things ready for John to “survive” on his own here for 3 months. He learned to cook a bit when I was gone last Spring, and Saffron gave him a George Foreman grill for Father’s Day (which he loves) so he will be ok. I’m freezing steaks that he can cook himself—each one in its own zipper bag to keep it easy for him. I think I have about 20. And, I’ll be getting more HotPockets for his lunches. Hope they are on sale this week!

I bought some large bags of dog food. I stopped the daily paper today and changed it to just Sunday delivery….and I’ve made up a big tub of the Café Mocha mix he likes (1-2-3: one cup instant coffee, 2 cups Nesquick, and 3 cups instant milk. Use 3 Tablespoons in a mug of hot water).

Two days of work at Cabela’s left: today and Wednesday. I originally wanted to leave December 1 but my boss talked me into staying through the Christmas rush (meaning Dec 20) and take a leave of absence. That way I can come back April 1. I’ll be coming back to Nebraska anyway in the Spring to work on the house here, so I might as well have a job!

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