About Me

ABOUT ME:  Rae Osenbaugh

I teach Basic Blogging at Central Community College in Grand Island, Nebraska. I also have classes on Writing Your Life Story, basic computer skills for seniors, and basic eBay.

I have lived in Grand Island since 1993. Husband John and I have raised 9 children; all are out on their own now, so I am free to pursue my own interests.

I do some work with local small businesses helping set up their social media network. My most recent project is working with a downtown antique store owner. I set up her Facebook, and Twitter accounts, and started a blog for her. I do ghost Twittering and blogging for her business. It frees up her time to do what she is passionate about—antiques.

My other passion is eBay. I’ve sold on eBay for almost 10 years now. I teach a night class on Basic eBay, so I have a blog for my former students (& anyone else!): http://ask-rae.blogspot.com

The blog is aimed at former eBay students, but I welcome any other readers interested in selling on eBay. I give tips and hints about selling on eBay, along with current observations and personal anecdotes about my own selling.

I recently combined the two activities (consulting and teaching) into one website: Ritzy Rae. You can find it at http://www.ritzyrae.com

I have some other fun blogs:

Granny: http://granny-green.blogspot.com

Personal: http://pagesfrommynotebook.blogspot.com

I also have a family website: http://osenbaughs.homestead.com

I welcome feedback, questions, suggestions, etc. from my students! E-mail me at rae_osenbaugh@hotmail.com. Or make comments on any of my blogs or websites!