Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Heart Failure!

Last week (Monday June 28) I decided I really ought to go see Jeanne (my regular doctor) about my constant shortness of breath. I got winded just bringing the groceries into the house; this had been coming on for months, but always seemed to go away, so I thought little of it.

Well, Jeanne gave me 4 tests on Monday, and got me into a Cardiologist on Tuesday (along with 2 more tests). More tests on Wednesday, and on Thursday I had what’s known as a Heart Catherization….turns out I have Cardiomyopathy (weak heart muscles), or more commonly known as Heart Failure.

Heart Failure is a scary diagnosis—sounds like I have just days to live! Actually, it’s treatable with diet, meds, and exercise (oh no! there’s that dreaded word again!).

This morning I was back for more tests—just blood work this time. And, I had a bone scan—totally unrelated to the heart problems, but still needed to be done to keep up with the Osteoporosis that developed in the past 10 years….more on that later….

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