Monday, June 7, 2010

Road Trip Coming Up!

There’s so much to do! I have lists made—both on paper and in my head, but I really do have to get to packing. We leave for West Virginia in two days!

We bought a GPS yesterday. It looks like that will be a good investment. I’ve been playing with it this morning (instead of organizing for the trip…), entering addresses and finding out how it works. I had AAA make me a trip planner, but I wonder if they will do that much more now that GPS units are becoming more common in people’s cars.

Judy from the college called today, wanting me to write a bio for my blogging class…it’s so ironic that I like to write, but hate to write a personal bio….while writing it my mind wandered to how I first got started writing as little girl in California: I wrote all over my yellow dresser drawers! I also once wrote on the outside of the garage, and tried to get my little brother to take the blame, but it didn’t work. I think after that I just used paper….

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