Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Logical Oxymorons....

An oxymoron is a figure of speech by which has an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in cruel kindness or to make haste slowly. Sometimes I even use them in descriptions of my surroundings: controlled chaos, and organized mess. I have found computer terms often fall into this class, too (ie: the old joke Microsoft Works) Here is a fun list of some interesting “logical” oxymorons:

• act naturally
• advanced BASIC
• almost exactly
• alone together
• authentically reproduced
• canned fresh
• center around
• clearly misunderstood
• click the Start button to shut down
• computer jock
• constant change
• constant variable
• crash landing
• deafening silence
• decreased growth
• definite maybe
• diet ice cream
• disposable products with a lifetime guarantee
• even odds
• exact estimate
• extinct life
• first annual
• first string secondary
• former native
• forward back
• found missing/turned up missing
• free trade
• freezer burn
• genuine imitation/genuine simulated
• go ahead, back up
• good grief
• government organization
• Great Depression
• Hell’s Angels
• holy war
• hot chili
• jumbo shrimp
• larger half
• last initial
• legally drunk
• liquid natural gas
• little giant
• living dead
• long shorts
• near miss
• new classic
• now, then...
• old news
• one of the only...
• original copies
• passive aggressive
• peace force
• peacekeeper missile
• plastic glasses
• political science
• pretty ugly
• rehearsed improvisation
• resident alien
• rolling stop
• same difference
• sanitary landfill
• second initial
• seriously funny
• silent alarm
• sleep vigorously
• small crowd
• soft rock
• solo ensemble
• specialize in everything
• student teacher
• sweet sorrow
• sweet tart
• synthetic natural gas
• taped live
• temporary tax increase
• terribly pleased
• tight slacks
• to infinity and beyond
• tragic comedy
• twelve-ounce pound cake
• unbiased opinion
• virtual reality
• whole half
• working vacation

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